How do you design your packaging so that your opponents can live?

How do you design your packaging so that your opponents live?

The three-point picture is seven points. The product is the same. A good package will increase the value of the product and people will never forget it. Take a look at the following packaging design, which is known to people up to date, note headphones, thin waist bags, canned rice, etc., are very creative, it also allows the opponent not to live?

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Panasonic headphones

YKM shopping bag

GNC Burn 60 Thin Waist Bag

Antismoke Pack Coffin Cigarette Box

Samurai Vodka

Quick Kiwi

Coca-Cola Sharing Can

Lingerie Beer Cans

Scanwood wooden cutlery

Hanger:Tea hanger T-shirt tea bag

HOGRI (friends.forever) series

Zippo perfume

Frusion fruit

Bla-bla biscuit

Sod T-shirt

Couleur Nouveau wines

New Year's Eve

Calendar Tea (Tea Calendar)

ZEN Perfume Bottle Packaging

(For details, please refer to:)

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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