Interior decoration bathroom: door inward or outward

The bathroom is a relatively private space. The design of the door must clear the direction. Whether the door is open or inward, many people can't pay attention to it. How to get it, let's see what people say.

Should the bathroom door open outwards or inward? Many people have made mistakes when they are renovating!

Under what circumstances?

Generally, the doors that are opened to the outside are evacuated. Generally, they are suitable for public spaces. If you observe them carefully, you will find that the toilets in public places are open outside. This design is designed to avoid emergencies, which are more conducive to rapid evacuation.

Interior decoration bathroom door

Should the bathroom door open outwards or inward? Many people have made mistakes when they are renovating!

Under what circumstances?

The door in the house is usually opened inside. It is a very private matter to go to the toilet. Opening the door can avoid the embarrassing situation, does not occupy the external space, and looks more neat. If the door is opened outwards, the area of ​​the home will not be large, and it is easy to hit the family members who may pass by the door when opening and closing.

Interior decoration bathroom door

Document.body.oncopy = function () { setTimeout( function () { var text = clipboardData.getData("text"); if (text) { text = text + " This article comes from China Wooden Door Network, China's well-known wooden door industry portal Website! (http://) Detailed reference: "+location.href; clipboardData.setData("text", text); } }, 100) }

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