The moral negative influence of commodity packaging and its specification (1)

[Abstract] The influence of commodity packaging has far exceeded the commercial economy. It has increasingly become a part of our daily life and has aroused widespread concern. In particular, the moral negative impact of commodity packaging has become the focus of controversy. The manifestations, causes and normative measures of the negative impact of commodity packaging on morality are worth exploring.

[Key words] commodity packaging; ethics; negative effects; normative measures

The relationship between product packaging and morality is interactive. On the one hand, commodity packaging is affected by a specific moral environment and a certain moral judgment restricts or supports it. It becomes a mirror of moral concepts; on the other hand, commodity packaging itself has a moral tendency or hint. There is a subtle influence on the entire social moral system. The impact of goods packaging on morality can be divided into two aspects: positive impact and negative impact. This article mainly discusses the manifestations, causes, and regulatory measures of the negative moral effects of commodity packaging.

The moral negative impact brought by commodity packaging activities is mainly manifested in the following aspects: commercial packaging's damage to commercial ethics, misleading of values, neglect of ecological ethics, and infringement of special groups.

The packaging of goods damaged by business ethics is mainly embodied in false goods packaging and unfair comparison goods packaging. The false product packaging not only violates social morality, but also directly harms the interests of consumers. Fraudulent product packaging and fake product packaging provide consumers with incomplete information and impairs their ability to make purchasing decisions. If there is some "quality, fraudulence", quality fraud; some "do more with less, with no charge" for quantity fraud; some are "counterfeiting others' trademarks" for brand fraud; some "counterfeiting certification marks "They have a variety of means for flag fraud. There is only one essence. It is to abandon the principle of "honesty and trustworthiness," and does not meet the moral principles of the market economy. Improperly comparing commodity packaging also violates business ethics because there are three important issues behind the comparison of commodity packaging, namely, effectiveness, ethics, and legitimacy. That is to say, when comparing creative packaging with creative production, it is necessary to fully consider whether the effect of the packaging of goods is harmful to the interests of competitors, whether it is in conformity with economic ethics, and whether it violates the law. This requires that comparison of commodity packaging not only achieves the desired effects of commodity packaging, but also does not violate commercial ethics. However, some companies are adopting various methods to deliberately devalue their competitors and raise themselves in the promotion of commodity packaging. For example, some product packaging unreasonably compares a product with a similar product, implying or explicitly indicating to the consumer that the product is outstanding. This commodity packaging behavior violates business ethics and is not conducive to the normal operation of the market economic order.

Commodity packaging is a form of information dissemination. While promoting products or services, it also promotes a lifestyle and value concept. It means that it “teaches” people how to consume and how to enjoy life. How to establish your own lifestyle, behavior, and values. The influence of commodity packaging on people’s values ​​has both positive and misleading effects. The commodity packaging misled by the value concept mainly refers to the commercial packaging that violates the traditional virtues of the nation and emphasizes the material enjoyment. It is undeniable that in a period of time, there are many packages of goods that do not care about China’s national conditions and blindly use or mimic some of the expressions and techniques of overseas product packaging, not “beauty show” or “royal style” and that nobles enjoy it. , "Playboy", how to "cheating", how to "romantic" What's worse is that some of the commodities are overstated, insincere, exaggerated, fraudulent, and even vulgar and vulgar. This kind of misleading value package is often better than fake product packaging. The harm is more serious, it may lead to people's alienation and spiritual emptiness, because these product packaging is often carefully designed to stimulate people's material desires, making it difficult for people to meet the status quo.Foreign scholars study shows that the use of ideal lifestyle in a large number of commodity packaging It will lead consumers to be dissatisfied with their real life.Product packaging will subtly change people's values ​​and life attitudes.This requires us to maintain sufficient vigilance on the values ​​conveyed in the packaging of goods.

Ecological ethics is the moral progress of human beings and it should be the values ​​advocated by commodity packaging. The requirements of ecological ethics embodied in commodity packaging are: when formulating operational strategies and implementing packaging practices, commodity packaging should also consider social benefits, comply with ecological ethics norms, advocate harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and protect humans while considering economic benefits. The long-term interest and long-term development of society. However, at present, with the advancement of science and technology, a large number of packaging materials are being developed, and a variety of finely-decorated commodities are flocking to the market. At the same time, solid waste packaging also erodes at the same rate and erodes the living space of our human beings. In particular, various types of packaging solid waste that are not easily decomposed and processed at a later stage are intangibly increased, further affecting the protection of water, atmosphere, and ecological environment, and have become a major problem in people's daily lives. For example, portable plastic bags and foam lunch boxes used for shopping in daily life, despite their ease of use and economic benefits, their historical missions have turned into garbage that is not easy to decompose, especially on railroads, roads, streets and lanes. "Very serious, breeze blows, and paper, plastic and other packaging wastes with various germs fluttering in the wind, blowing all kinds of germs into families and seriously endangering people's health." Pollution of the environment has led to a serious maladjustment of the ecological environment, soil erosion, grassland degradation, sharp drop in forest coverage, depletion of water resources, and increased natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Especially in the recent century, the rapid economic development and over-exploitation of natural resources have severely damaged the ecological balance. With painstaking thoughts, the development of the human economy must pay more attention to and protect the material conditions in which mankind depends on for survival and development—the ecological environment.

The violation of the packaging of goods by special groups first manifests itself in the damage to the image of women. From a technical point of view, the use of merchandise packaging for the feminine femininity image is understandable. However, if we ignore the moral norm and exaggerate or distort the merchandise packaging publicity, it will cause a de facto damage to the female image. Some commodity packers have even put forward such a slogan: Commodity packaging = product + woman, "no creative packaging, beautiful women to replace"; some of the commodity packaging is contrary to the characteristics of women in the era, advocacy Jiao, Mei, Yan, over-promotion of powder gas, soft And flirty. Such one-sided pursuit of economic benefits and ignoring the use of women's images for social responsibility in the promotion of commodity packaging not only harms women's self-esteem, but also has a negative impact on social morality. The infringement of commodity packaging on specific groups also manifests itself in misleading children's moral qualities.

(to be continued)

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