The Nobel Prize in Chemistry says that the third drug revolution may keep humanity young forever

"By studying human DNA, predicting possible diseases, and developing new DNA drugs, it is possible to keep humans young forever!" At the 15th annual meeting of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, Nobel Chemistry in 2004 Aron Cehanovo, the winner of the award and a professor at the Israeli Institute of Technology, spoke amazingly.

Not long ago, the Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie's decision to excise her breasts caused a focus of public opinion: the reason why she had to have a resection operation is because she is likely to carry a gene that causes breast cancer. This move was interpreted by some as the coming of the era of personalized diagnosis and treatment based on genetic testing. Aron Cehanovo talked about this example and regarded the development of new DNA drugs as a personalized medical method as the third drug revolution in the future.

Chehanovo said that from the 20th century to the present, human drug research and development has roughly gone through three stages. The 1930s and 1960s were the first stage, represented by aspirin and penicillin. From the 1970s to the end of the last century, it was the second stage, and many of the best-selling drugs were invented during this period. The way in which such drugs are discovered appears to Cehanovo to be somewhat similar to "searching for the key to your house door among 10,000 keys", which poses certain problems. Using the same drugs, a few years later, some The patient's death or condition did not improve significantly, while the other group's condition improved, some even cured.

"Our understanding requires a 180-degree shift," Cehanovo said. It depends on what is wrong with this patient's DNA, what is the difference between the DNA of two people with the same disease, genetic screening for the disease, and know which drugs Can really "make medicine right."

Since the beginning of this century, this new revolution, known as “personalization, predictability, preventability, and patient participation” by Chehanovo has brought unlimited “temptations” to human beings, and the most important one is personality. Chemical drugs, it means that even for the same disease, different patients use different drugs, or that the same drug has different effects on different patients. Cehanovo therefore believes that the era of decades of best-selling drugs like aspirin dominating the market will come to an end.

But he also said that in terms of DNA and biopharmaceuticals, there are still many personalized problems and obstacles to personalized drug development. For example, the lack of animal models, drugs can not be separated from animal experiments, but where can I find so many animal models that correspond to individualized human diseases?

There are also risks at the ethical level. Chehanovo said that if a pharmaceutical factory knows the sequencing of a patient ’s genome, will there be a problem of information leakage? Taking Angelina Jolie ’s choice as an example, Julie is unavoidable Thoughtless. Because of her choice, it is almost equal to revealing that her daughter is also at risk of breast cancer.


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