Green Packaging and Environmental Protection

Abstract: This article discusses and describes in detail the connotation of green packaging, green packaging design, and the development trend of green packaging materials. Green packaging is an important part of green products, packaging and the environment are inseparable. The use of green packaging is an inevitable choice for the development of the packaging industry in the 21st century.
Keywords green packaging green packaging design green packaging materials environmental protection In today's society, green packaging and environmental protection as a social hot spot is being placed in front of people and has become a problem that countries urgently need to solve. The waste generated by packaging has become the main source of urban waste, and this has led to serious environmental problems: large consumption of resources, increased disposal and management pressure of urban waste, and serious pollution to the ecological environment and water resources. The results of the nationwide public opinion polls of the “Packaging” magazine in the United States confirmed that pollution from packaging was second only to water pollution, marine lake pollution, and air pollution.
Experts estimate that 70% of packaging products produced each year in the country are discarded after use. The amount of garbage that is discarded each year increases rapidly at a rate of 3% to 5%. These packaging wastes not only consume resources but also take up a lot of space and disposal costs. At the same time, some packaging materials are non-degradable and will remain in the environment for a long time, seriously affecting the balance of the ecological environment.
First, the connotation of green packaging Green packaging generally refers to the ecological environment and human health harmless, can be reused or recycled, in line with the principle of sustainable development of the packaging. It can also be called ecological packaging or sustainable packaging. Green technology is the product of the wave of green consumption. It is also an effective way for sustainable development. It includes end-of-pipe technology, green process innovation, and green product innovation. The highest level in the green technology innovation system is green products, which means that green products are the ultimate carrier of green technology innovation results. The acquisition of green products must be based on green design and green manufacturing. Green design and green manufacturing are the core content of green technology. The improvement of green packaging technology is further deepening of green products. Green packaging is one of the powerful means of international marketing. The five major elements of modern merchandise sales are product (prODuCE), price (priCE), channel (plACE), promotion (prOmOtiON) and packaging (pACkAgiNg). In the world environment that attaches great importance to environmental protection, the role of green packaging in sales is increasingly important, and it is increasingly favored by consumers in all countries. The important content of the 21st century green revolution "green packaging revolution" is an important weight for the new round of market competition. It is certain that green packaging products with a strong environmental protection have strong vitality and competitiveness in the international market.
At present, the internationally recognized principles and methods for the relationship between packaging and the environment are:
1.REDuCE principle, that is, the principle of reducing waste of resources;
2. REuSE principle, that is, the principle of recycling;
3. RECyClE principle, that is, the principle of recycling;
4. The principle of RECOVEr is to obtain the principle of new value.
For example, heat is obtained through incineration. When designing a package, if it is technically feasible, it is first necessary to consider the possibility of reusing the package. If it can no longer be used, the possibility of recycling needs to be considered. The packaging should be made of environmentally friendly materials and should not hinder re-use and recycling. To meet the product protection and aesthetic design, to minimize the packaging volume and weight.
(1) Research and development of non-toxic, non-polluting, recyclable, renewable or degradable packaging materials;
(2) to study the control technology and alternative technology of harmful ingredients in existing packaging materials, and alternative technologies for natural materials;
(3) Optimize the packaging structure, reduce the consumption of packaging materials, and strive to reduce packaging;
(4) To enhance the recycling of packaging waste should achieve the best results.
Second, the choice of green packaging materials The choice of packaging materials is to meet the requirements of green packaging materials, followed by considering the working environment of packaging materials. It includes functional, structural requirements, safety, wear resistance, and working environment (impact, temperature and humidity, etc.) and other aspects.
1. Polymeric smart packaging materials Research on this area in MIT and Hokkaido University of Japan is systematic and in-depth. In fact, we refer to this material as a package for the purpose of using it both as a package and as part of the product's construction to make it a protective layer. Especially on some very delicate and easily corroded rust-prone components. This smart material has a gel structure. Temperature-sensitive gels, superabsorbent gels, memoryless gels, and molecular recognition gels. This material has been used extensively in agriculture and medicine. The use of hydrogels and other composite materials as packaging materials can keep fruits and vegetables in a moist environment, just as fresh as just picked.
2. Degradable Polymer Materials Such packaging is mainly used in the pharmaceutical, health, and beverage industries. The current capsules are mainly packaged in plastic and paper. If we use recycled glass and degradable polymer materials, we can reduce the harm to the environment and achieve the purpose of sanitation. Biodegradable materials have the function of being absorbed by animals and human bodies. Such packaging materials in foreign countries mainly include polyester amide copolymers, polyglyceryl polyacrylate polyesters, polylactic acid and its copolymers and other polymer materials. . Degradable plastics have been widely used in food packaging, tool packaging and external packaging boxes for some mechanical products. The biodegradable plastic packaging material not only has the functions and characteristics of traditional plastics, but also can be divided and degraded in the natural environment through the action of microorganisms of soil and water or the action of ultraviolet rays in sunlight after the service life is completed, and finally be restored in a reduced form. Enter the ecological environment and return to nature. It is divided into biodegradable plastics, biocleavable plastics, and photodegradable plastics.
3. Including sterilizing and absorbing dual-function packaging materials China is a large agricultural country with high cotton output, and it is mainly used in the clothing industry such as cold protection and heat preservation. Others can also be applied to some industries that require higher packaging industry and require lower bacterial indicators, such as medicines, foods and other packaging.
Using cotton as a raw material, cotton fibers can be obtained. By grafting the synthesized epoxy-based long-chain quaternary ammonium salt onto the cotton fiber, a cotton fiber having both a bactericidal and a metal ion-bifunctional functional group can be produced. Production plan (laboratory production method): Weigh 5g of absorbent cotton, soak it in water for 0.5H, dry it by pressure, put it into a shaking reactor, add 100g of 30% NAOH solution, react at room temperature for 1H, remove by pressure, and put it into the shaking reactor. Adding 100g of 8% NAOH and 10ml of epichlorohydrin, reacting 10H at 20°C, pressing dry, washing with water, acetone, drying at a temperature of 60-70°C, and obtaining an epoxy-based cotton fiber. Experiments show that this type of cotton fiber can completely kill E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus within 50 miN, and the long-chain quaternary ammonium salt is grafted onto the cotton fiber, which still has a rapid and powerful sterilizing ability. If this kind of material is used on pharmaceutical packaging, it has the advantages of being edible, non-polluting, and so on, while at the same time accelerating the development of agriculture, improving China's economic strength and comprehensive national strength, and helping to narrow the gap between rural and urban areas.
4. Glass packaging material Glass still occupies a large proportion in the packaging industry, and its nature determines it is easily broken. For some devices more sophisticated, there is a need for insulated, dry equipment to withstand the effects of the external environment. The study of glass is an old discipline with strengthened glass and colored glass. After many years of practice, scientists believe that a SF chemical as a curing agent, enhancer, the effect is very good, on the basis of strengthening, we will consider its anti-corrosion, rust, insulation and other properties. The epoxy glass steel lining precisely has these good features. If we reform and design the original method of glass making and reduce its harmful effects, we will make a difference in our surrounding environment and living space and let you live in a non-toxic, radiation-free comfortable space.
Epoxy glass steel anti-corrosion lining technology has been vigorously promoted, not only simple and practical, but also to improve its anti-corrosion effect, can extend the life of the package and achieve higher packaging value.
Third, China's traditional packaging 1. Ceramic packaging Ceramics have a long history in China, in natural ceramics, there are synthetic composite ceramics, such as shells, pearls, agate and so on. We have an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers. With the declining land resources, can our eyes turn to the sea? Its resources are very rich, but it has not been successfully developed in large quantities. If this project is promoted, it will be a new science and technology. Applying it to the packaging also meets the elegance and simplicity. Many biological materials such as bones, shells, coral reefs, etc. are composite materials and have excellent mechanical properties, especially high toughness. And its excellent performance is guaranteed by a special structure. Most ceramic materials in China are modeled on this structure. Because ceramic materials have the characteristics of high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance, they have been rapidly developed in many high-tech fields. Here it is used as a component and as a protective layer. Here we will look forward to using it as some of the structural components of the prospects and advantages.
The engine is the soul of the car. In order to prevent its oxidation, the traditional practice is to paint on it as a protective layer, and when it works, the heat is high, so that certain metals can easily undergo structural changes at high temperatures, so have to use a huge cooling system. If a ceramic material is used as a protective layer, because of its high temperature resistance, the mechanical structure can be reduced, the weight can be greatly reduced, and the engine damage can be avoided because the temperature in certain parts is not easily reached to the limit.
Now, with the development of multi-phase ceramics, its production process has also become increasingly mature and perfect. We put this on the market and it is undoubtedly a new measure. Its value and taste are of a very high standard. At the same time, we shift our attention to the massive development of ocean and lake resources, which reduces our sense of crisis for our survival.
2. Natural packaging material here mainly refers to bamboo. At present, on the packaging, it is gradually being developed and used by people. Bamboo packaging, people mainly use it as a building material. In Yangzhou, it has been generally accepted and favored. This kind of product with unique craftsmanship is rather worthy of art appreciation. If we turn fragmented small-scale production into large-scale and collectivized production, it will inevitably produce incalculable economic benefits. A kind of Hsinchu, because of its good toughness, can be described in a variety of shapes, patterns, low cost, thickness can also be controlled, with good hardness. This kind of packaging product should have strong competitiveness.
Green packaging is a requirement for the development trend of international environmental protection. With the impact of environmental protection, consumers are demanding higher and higher requirements for commodity packaging. Green packaging is one of the important contents of avoiding new trade barriers, along with people’s environmental awareness. improve. In the future, environmental standards and regulations in international trade will become more stringent. The United States has established the "Green Presidential Award," and Japan has established the "New Sun Project." This shows that foreign countries attach importance to environmental protection. China is also about to join the WTO. It should also create more unique products for its own product packaging and prospects. As a big producer of packaging waste, China must solve this environmental problem. The Chinese government is conscientiously recognizing this and in recent years has continuously promulgated a series of environmental protection laws and regulations, such as the "Environmental Protection Law," "Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law," and the upcoming "Packaging Law." Green packaging has the positive effect of environmental protection, so it is adopted by most countries and has received the support of the WTO. As packaging and commodities are inseparable, the gradual deepening of green packaging will inevitably affect the circulation of commodities, thus affecting the order of international trade and creating a new type of trade barrier. China is about to join the WTO, so it must meet international standards in international trade.
As of the end of June 1999, only 35 enterprises in China passed the ISO/4000 standard certification. That is to say, only these 35 companies have obtained the pass for world trade, while the products of other companies cannot enter the international market. For China to be fully involved in the WTO, China must implement the "Green Packaging Project." The packaging revolution has become a more important task before us than the agricultural and industrial revolutions.

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