Paperback Mix Senior Worker Papers and Test Paper Answers

Test Paper (A)

(1) Fill in the blanks (30 points for every 1 point)

1. There are two kinds of specifications for Type A paper: 890 × mm, × 12 mm; specifications for Type B paper are: × mm.

2. A-type open R-inch of the following types: A3 is 420 × mm; A4 is × mm; A5 is × mm; A6 is 144 × mm.

3. There are five book binding linkage production lines: linkage production line; production line; processing linkage production line; production line and processing of this book linkage production line.

4. Use the hot back machine to burn 150 grams of offset paper sealed book, hot table temperature should be °C, time should be minutes; hot copper paper cover film cover temperature should be °C, time should be minutes.

5. The domestic three-sided cutter can cut the maximum height of mm; the angle α of the cutter used should be to degrees.

6. China's earliest form of bookbinding was produced in the era of AD until the beginning of the year, and it took about several years to use. The materials used were and.

(II) Judging questions (2 points for each question totaling 10 points)

1. Coated copper paper sheets should be made of high viscous VAE glue ().

2. The main reason for folding out the eight-character folds is that the air cannot be discharged ().

3. The reason for the inconsistent book thickness after wrapping the cover is caused by the inconsistent tightness of the cover ().

4. After the cover of the book bag, the wrinkle is caused by excessive application of adhesive ().

5. The hot line behind the back line is caused by excessive pressure on both sides of the hot back machine ().

(3) Multiple-choice questions (2 points for each question totaling 10 points)

1. The reason why the three-sided knife cuts the size of the book after the book is larger ().

A. Back plate leaning; B. Excessive pressure; C. Excessive pressure; D. Pressing tongue is too high.

2. Paper-backed lock-lined copperplate paper, where the pinholes are filled with glue after damage ().

A. The surface of the paper is too clear; B. The amount of glue applied to the book is too large and uneven; C. The bundle is too loose; D. The bundle is not aligned.

3. The surface of the book is connected with the back of the book ().

A. Spine; B-set; C-back; D. Book waist.

4. The single head stapler stapler has several sections ().

A. 2; B.3; C.4; D.5.

The floating opening of 5.32 open hardcover book should be ()mm.

A. 2; B.3; C.4: D.5.

(4) Questions and Answers (6 points for each question totaling 36 points)

1. Answer the process flow of paperback wireless glue binding production line (martini or Kolbus)?

2. Answer the approximate speed or speed of the 5 binding production lines?

3. Which of the six categories of binding adhesives are used, of which the last one includes seven?

4. Which 13 kinds of cover materials are used for binding?

5. When the iron wire is placed in the book, what causes the post-order wire chaos? How to solve?

6. What are the four elements of scheduling work in the bookbinding process management and the four beats of the scheduling meeting?

(5) Calculation Questions (15 points)

A book A5 size, thickness 24mm, round back (130°) ridged, ribbon bookmark, entire surface, cardboard thickness 2mm, each hardcover book

Material size.
Test Paper (B)

(1) Fill in the blanks (30 points for every 1 point)

1. Answer the order of the development of the book connection method: bookbinding; booking; booking; booking; booking; booking; booking; booking;

2. Jane used to use the equipment during the national period from the end of the year to the year before; the materials used were summed;

3, the choice of the angle of the knife alpha angle, is based on the degree and hardness, the degree of paper cutting decision

The smaller the blade α angle, the more the blade, and the resistance to shear, and then the blade α angle, and the resistance cutter increases.

4. The national standard stipulates that the width of the side glue of the binder is ~ mm; the line is ≤ mm; the tolerance of the indentation of the back and sticky mouth is ≤ mm; the tolerance of the hem of the seam is ≤ m.

(b) Multiple choice questions (2 points for each question totaling 20 points)

1. The A3 size is ()mm.

A. 374 × 262; B. 420×297; C. 430×298; D.368×260.

2. Paste book shell should use () adhesive.

A. flour paste; B. animal bone glue; C. PVAC glue; D. EVA resin glue.

3. The reason for the wrinkling of the width of the back of the book after the book is hot is ().

A. The pressure on the upper plate is too large; B. The hot back temperature is low; C. The adhesive is unevenly applied; D. Pressure plate pressure.

4. The spine arc length and the width of the two middle seams should be ().

A. medium diameter cardboard; B. Middle diameter; C. Middle waist; D. Wide face.

5. The speed of the 144 turns of a single machine used for stapling should be () the number of revolutions.

A. Knife folding machine; B. Rolling machine; C. Single stapler; D.03 automatic sewing machine.

6. Ethylene and vinyl acetate are copolymerized after high temperature () resin.


7. The main reason for the wrinkles after manual folding is ().

A. Scraping when folding is too light; B. Folding too much; C. No second cuts or scratches.

8. Lock 16 open book application () pinhole.

A.4; B. 6; C. 8; D. 12.

9. The allowable difference of screen attachment is ()mm when folding.

A. ≤ 1; B. ≤1.5; C. ≤2; D. ≤2.5.

10. The temperature of bone glue should be between () °C.

A. 55±5; B.75±10; C.95±5.

(3) Questions and Answers (6 points for each question: 36 points)

1. Answered the paperback wire binding and sewing thread set process flow.

2. What is called anodized aluminum? What are the layers? What is the role of each layer?

3. What happened to the cold bending of the wire after the book was booked? How to solve?

4. After the book breaks, the size of the top is greater than the size of the following reasons? How to solve?

5. When there is a double page in the page layout of the collation machine, what causes the chaos? How to solve?

6. What are the process management systems for bookbinding?

(4) Calculation Questions (14 points)

A photo album A3 size, thickness 12mm, square back fake ridge, the entire surface, cardboard thickness 3mm, there is a sealed paper, seeking the precise size of each material.

Test Paper (C)

(1) Fill in the blanks (30 points for every 1 point)

1. The line outfit is also called equipment, appearing in the packaging century of the advent of the century; is the history of the development of binding technology in China will be scattered after the use of books.

2. In the normal production, the dispatching work has four elements: (1) According to the task, should plan well; (2) Must open; (3) Frequently understands the situation of the production and the combined variety, discovers the problem to give in time; (4) Do a good job in production and prevent the plan from failing.

3. Jinkou, is a kind of processing of Hao, that is to say, the mouth of a book is (or is) or surface, and the processing method of sticking and pressing on the foil.

4. There are two types of A-type paper web: 890 × mm; × mm; B-type paper format × mm; A3 size is × mm; A4 size is × 210mm; A5 size is 210 × 148mm.

(b) Multiple choice questions (2 points for each question totaling 20 points)

1. The hard-page book cover is called a single sheet ().

A. Ring liners; B. Sealing paper; C. Filling paper.

2. The use temperature of polyvinyl alcohol should be around () °C.

A. 25±5; B. 45±10; C.65±5; D.160±10.

3. The PVC cover and the paper are glued in the form of ().

A. Permeation type; B. Semi-permeable; C. Attractive.

4. The general temperature of the hot back is () °C.

A. 80; B. 100; C. 120; D.140.

5. The wax width of paperback should generally be ()mm.

A. 1; B. 2; C.3; D. 4.

6. The roundness of hardcover should be () degrees.

A. 80; B. 110; C. 135; D. 150.

7. The main reason for the break in the paperback book after cutting is ().

A. The package adhesive is improper; B. Cutter pressure is too small; C. No draw knife device; D. Cutter α improperly angled.

8. The lock 64 open book can use () needle eye.

A.2; B. 4; C.6; D.8.

9. The wax modulation ratio is equally applicable to () °C room temperature.

A.16; B.22; C.30.

10. The coating of the hot-glued hot melt adhesive should not be thicker than ().

A.1mm; B.2mm; C.3mm.

(3) Questions and Answers (6 points for each question: 36 points)

1. What are the types of synthetic resin adhesive binding? Answered four of the symbols and the degree of aging?

2. Answer the six kinds of common faults when stapler stapler staples?

3. What is the principle of page crash? What kind of page operation does each of the two page crash methods apply to?

4. When the sticky copper paper sticks, the paint layer pulls off and falls off. Why? How to solve?

5. Why is it that it is not easy to divide the paper? How to solve?

6. How to formulate plans for major and medium repairs?

(4) Calculation Questions (14 points)

A small book 32, thickness 18mm; round back (130 °) no ridge, junction, cardboard thickness 2mm; seeking hardcover book commonly used material size?

Paperback mixed senior worker test answer

Test Paper (A) Answer

(a) Fill in the blank answers (in empty order)

1.1240; 900; 80; 1000;

2.297; 297; 210; 210; 148; 105.

3. Saddle stitching; wireless glue binding linkage; hardcover book;

4.100; half to 1;80 to 90;1.

5.85; 21; 24;

6. The turtle bone; before 1600; 1100; Yin Shang; Western Zhou Dynasty; 700; A; bone.

(b) The answer to the judgment question

1×; 2. √d; 3. ×; 4. √ ;5.

(three) multiple choice answer

1.B; 2. B; 3.A; 4. B; 5. B.

(d) answer questions

1. A: Posts → Matching → Transfer Invert → Semi-finished Product Inspection → Entering Shocks → Clamp Positioning → Milling Back Paper Mink → Apply Adhesive (Back Adhesive) → Sticky Paper Jam → Secondary Adhesive (Adhesive and Side Adhesive ) → Adhesive cover → Clamping → Transfer → Drying → Slicing or cutting → Finished product inspection → Packaging.

2. A: Horse riding linkage production line, 100 to 160 copies

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