The output growth rate of salt mist box manufacturers has increased

The export growth rate of salt spray box manufacturers has increased:
In June 2012, the export delivery value of the salt spray box manufacturer industry was 9.606 billion yuan, an increase of 7.24% year-on-year and a negative increase of 0.38% month-on-month.
From January to June, the export delivery value of salt mist box manufacturers reached 51.413 billion yuan, a cumulative increase of 10.18% year-on-year. The cumulative year-on-year growth rate of exports in each sub-industry is quite different. The navigation, meteorology and marine special equipment manufacturing has the largest increase compared with other sub-industries, reaching 45.23%.

Output of main products of salt spray box manufacturers:
In June 2012, among the seven main products of the salt spray box manufacturer industry, the output growth rate of special salt spray boxes for environmental monitoring, analytical instruments and devices, electrical equipment and other equipment showed a negative month-on-month growth rate. The negative growth rate of special instruments and equipment for environmental monitoring increased by more than 51.27%.
From January to June, the output of various sub-industries of the salt spray box manufacturer industry partially increased. Among them, the accumulative year-on-year growth rate of electrical instruments and equipment showed negative growth, and the negative growth reached more than 3.57%.

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