Case Design and Analysis of Packaging Boxes (3)

9, select two triangles and then select the flip C, perform "arrangement", "styling", "pruning", or click the trim tool on the property toolbar, which can be cut off the two upper corners of flip C, as shown in Figure 7:

10. In the bottom left corner of flip B, draw a rectangle with a size of 5x10mm. Select the rectangle and select the flip B. Press the “L” and “B” keys to align the bottom left corner of flip B. And on the right of it again mirror a small rectangle, and then pull a few wires to the edges of two small rectangles for later use, as shown in Figure 8:

11, select the flip B that rectangle, press the "Ctrl + Q" key to convert the curve, select the shape tool, click on the alignment menu item under the view of the wire; double click on the shape tool double click on the left side of the red line B frame 1 can be Add a node; move this node to the red circle 2, pull the node at the red circle 3 to the red circle 4, and finally figure 9, 10:

(to be continued)

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