Climber game - take the flat

The flat-striping movement is also called walking. Its English name is Slackline. At present, it is still a little-known sport in China. It was founded by foreign climbers on the basis of tightrope exercise. The ropes used by Slackline are generally 25 mm wide, 3 mm thick nylon flat belts. It can be used as a climber's training program to improve the balance of climbing techniques, and at the same time as a tightrope exercise, it is an independent and challenging balancing exercise.

Walking flat is different from walking a tightrope

It seems that there is no difference between walking flat rope and walking wire, but it is not true. In fact, it is much more difficult to go flat belt than walking tightrope, mainly because of the rope used. The wire rope used for the wire walking is very small in tension after tensioning. The amplitude of the rope and swinging around will not be too great. For a long distance wire rope, some auxiliary traction ropes for stability will be set in the middle, so Walking naturally is more stable. However, the ropes used for the flat belts are nylon products, and even if the flat belts are pulled tightly, they will have great elasticity, and other stable ropes are not provided except for the fixed points at both ends of the flat belts. In this way, when the length of the webbing is long, it is like a huge rubber belt, and it is like a trampoline. It is not only to control the swing around, but also to adjust the center of gravity. If there is a slight deviation, it will be Pop up to go. In addition, there is a rule for walking flat belts, that is, no auxiliary equipment such as a balance bar can be used to assist in balancing. Only bare hands, relying on the distortion of their body and arm swing to adjust the center of gravity and maintain balance. Therefore, the test of the rope taker is even more stringent. This is where it is most attractive and exciting.

As for the safety issue of going flat, you can rest assured. If you walk at a higher place, wear a seat belt. The seat belt is connected to the walking belt by a section of the main rope so that it will be pulled when it falls and falls are avoided.

Hard training

The rope movement had been in contact two years ago, but it has not been deliberately practiced. Until a month ago, the time was relatively leisurely, so I decided to work harder and hope to be able to create a record and promote this sport.

At first, a five-meter-long sling was pulled about a meter high from the ground. Grips, risers and pulleys are used to tighten the webbing. At the beginning of the exercise, it was a difficult step. The rickety walk would not fall for a step or two. Fortunately, after three or four days of hard training with feelings and savvy, I finally figured out an experience and finally walked steadily. That five meters. So the length of the webbing was lengthened to 10 meters. However, I was surprised that although the length was only doubled, the elasticity and development along the ropes had increased three or four times. Later, tightened ropes were added to the tightened devices. Although the elasticity of the flat belts was controlled, it was difficult to walk. Since the middle of the webbing is the most elastic part, the center of gravity will be slightly deflected and it will be played. After a week of hard training, I can finally walk 10 meters. At this time, I couldn't remember how many times I fell from the sling and how many times I fell. I only saw that my feet had started to give birth to a scorpion, but the joy of success turned sweat and muscle soreness into happiness and beauty.

A formal challenge

After two weeks of hard training, it was technically rewarding, so I decided to come up with a real challenge. Not only must have length, but also have a certain height, to see how their own psychological quality. Then I went to an unknown hillside next to the Miyunbai River Canyon and pulled up the flat belt between two huge rocks. It was about 13 meters long and about 6 meters high. The length of this time is three meters longer than usual, and the height has also increased. A new difficulty has been placed before it.

Put on the seat belt, tie on the rope and try it out. As soon as I step on my feet, I feel something is wrong, my elasticity has increased a lot more than before, and my height has a certain psychological impact. This is a new beginning. Waves of breeze buzzed around the breeze, and the body swayed with the swaying waves and tumbled in the air. After more than ten attempts, they were thrown again and again. Despite the hard and careful control of the center of gravity, it was still difficult to adapt to this new length. In addition, the main rope connecting the seat belt and the flat belt always had some drag and drop. , coupled with the height of the psychological impact, so that some of the major center of gravity adjustment action is difficult to achieve a bit, so the challenge did not succeed. The furthest time only reached six meters. It seems that there is still a need for hard work, especially for the training of psychological quality. If you want to achieve a true level, you need to be calm and quiet and have no distractions. There are still longer distances and higher altitudes waiting for the challenge. I believe that one day I will certainly walk between the landscape with ease.

Training experience

For beginners, pay attention to two points when setting up the webbing. First, do not set the strap too high. Exercise at a lower place. When using the central position of the flattening strap under the weight of the whole body, it is appropriate to keep the strap at a distance of about 0.5 meters. The ground must be flat and clean, because it is necessary to walk barefoot, so we must prevent it from being tied. Second, the length of the webbing should not be set too long. Generally, it is suitable to start from 5 meters. When the distance can be easily reached by 5 meters, the webbing is lengthened to 10 meters, followed by 15 meters and 20 meters. In order to quickly and effectively improve the balancing technique, step by step.

Slings are best placed between the two trees so that they can hold the tree when starting and have a backing. When you go flat, you should step on your feet in the direction of the flat belt. Do not step on your feet with a horizontal foot. The band should be attached between the thumb bone and the index finger of the forefoot, and the center of the hind foot slightly offset towards the inside.

Although the strap is pulled tight, it is still very elastic. The two ends are closer to the fixed point and the elasticity is very large in the middle position. When walking at both ends, the center of gravity is mainly on the hind foot and the front foot is imaginary. When the center of gravity has just moved to the front foot, the back foot will immediately move forward to the virtual point flat belt to maintain a good center of gravity. The left and right control of the body's center of gravity is mainly regulated by the lifting and swinging of the two arms and the twisting of the left and right sides of the waist. If necessary, you can also lift one leg to control the body's center of gravity. When the center of gravity is controlled in the middle of the body, the body should be upright, arms should be lifted to both sides, ready to adjust the deviation of the center of gravity at any time. When walking to the middle of the flat belt, the center of gravity is mainly in the middle of the two feet. The pace should be slowed down. The center of gravity should be gentle and gentle. The feet should be lightly lifted. Do not excite the elasticity of the flat belt. Otherwise, you will be relentlessly popping up. If you feel that the elasticity increases, you should stop immediately, control the right and left center of gravity, adjust the body posture with the elasticity of the flat belt, and gradually let the elasticity subside, and then continue to move forward.

When you can take a few steps smoothly, you can increase the difficulty for yourself. Stop at a certain place for a long time or try to stand on one leg to control the left and right of the center of gravity of the exercise; after that, you need to practice the midway movement. When turning, the movement should be clean and tidy, and the center of gravity must be kept in the middle of the two feet. Both feet should be rotated at the same time with the sole of the foot as the axis. The rear foot should be turned directly to the opposite direction and the flat belt should be stepped on. The front foot is first turned into the horizontal direction to make the arch of the foot. Hold the flat belt in the horizontal direction to control the inertia of the rotation and keep the center of gravity from deviating from the right and left. Then adjust it quickly and step on the flat belt.

When a short distance is more than adequate for you, you need to lengthen it. When you embark on a new length, you will find that your balance technology is not enough. A few times more flexibility will break all your previous joys. It seems that everything needs to be re-started. A new challenge has begun again. Believe in yourself, you will be able to succeed. Persistence will bring you a satisfied smile.

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